
IE Vulnerability in a post-WinXP Support Era

US Dept. of Homeland Security official advisory of recent Internet Explorer vulnerability affecting version 6 to 11 of the popular & default WinOS browser.


Microsoft now has an accompanying security advisory, with many technical details and work around of using the Enhanced Security Feature of IE.


If you are on WinXP however, IE 8 the last version of Internet Explorer available to you an now patch will be released.  In this case, you should strong consider installing and using another browser such as Firefox or Google Chrome.  On WinXP computer you many want to kill IE so that it never gets used even by a user who manually invokes the application directly.

Here's how to kill IE once and for all on WinXP: http://www.runbooks.info/p/disable-internet-explorer-on-winxp.html

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